


Trade is the biggest contributor to the Zambian economy by sector, constituting 21% of the gross domestic product in 2022. The trade market has grown into the ‘maturing’ stage with global grocery chains such as Shoprite operating in large cities and an increase in the use of electronic payment systems such as Visa. Strong demographics are a key strength of the trade sector. The population continues to grow rapidly, and young adults account for 30% of the population, highlighting a strong demographic profile for the future. However, elevated poverty, high unemployment and relatively low levels of economic inclusion continue to weigh negatively on household spending power. Fluctuations in the exchange rate also reduce the attractiveness of the market to international retailers. The sector was also significantly hit by the Covid-19 pandemic, shrinking by 24% in 2020.

By addressing these challenges and leveraging the strengths of the Zambian trade sector such as the country’s rapidly increasing population and rising urbanization, companies can help take the sector to even greater heights. In 2021, e-commerce generated US$270.0m, 86.6% of total digital revenues. Therefore, by embracing digital technology and other innovations, Zambia’s trade sector can grow beyond the ‘maturing’ stage, profoundly impacting economic growth and consumer livelihoods.

At Red Black Ventures, we believe that unlocking the full value of the Zambian trade sector requires a deeper understanding of its unique challenges and opportunities. We therefore keep a close eye on market trends, gather data, and work with businesses to develop strategies that help them succeed in the sector.

Trade by the numbers

Contribution to GDP by Sector, Zambia (%)

Source: Fitch

How We Can Help

Red Black Ventures is well-equipped to support companies operating within the Zambian wholesale & retail trade sector. With our extensive data and insights capabilities, we can provide deep market intelligence and help organizations make informed decisions. Additionally, our team of advisors, with their experience from top management consulting firms and investment banks, can offer practical and impactful recommendations to help businesses optimize operations and extract the highest value. Whether it's through market analysis or strategic consulting, RBV is committed to supporting the growth of the Zambian wholesale & retail trade sector by leveraging our resources and expertise to deliver valuable outcomes for our clients.

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By working with us, businesses can access the latest data and insights, receive expert consultation and advice, and benefit from our innovative approach to problem-solving. We are passionate about helping businesses achieve their goals and make a real difference in the industry. Don't settle for anything less than greatness. Get in touch with Red Black Ventures today and see what wonders we can do for your business and strategy.

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