Water Supply

Water Supply


In Zambia, the water supply sector is mainly the responsibility of the ministry of water development and sanitation and is implemented through various government agencies including the National Water Supply and Sanitation Council (NWASCO) and the Water Resources and Management Authority (WARMA). The sector is divided into rural water supply, urban water supply, water treatment, wastewater treatment, and irrigation. As such, water supply is critical in catalysing growth in other sectors such as mining, agriculture, construction, and manufacturing. Despite abundant water resources, the proportion of the population with access to basic drinking water and sanitation services in Zambia (64.5% in 2020) is notably lower than most SADC countries. This is partly a result of the government’s under-investment in the sector, seen by a decline in budget allocation as a percentage of total expenditure to 1.4 percent in 2022 from 1.8 percent in 2021, despite a nominal increase of 9% in the same period. In terms of its share of GDP, the water supply sector contributed only contributed 0.2% in 2022.

By addressing the challenges within Zambia's water supply sector and leveraging its strengths, companies can transform the sector into a major contributor to the economy and support government in achieving universal access to clean and safe water supply and sanitation for all by 2030 (Sustainable Development Goal 6), and ensuring national water security to support the economic, human, and social development aspects of the country.

At Red Black Ventures, we believe that unlocking the full value of the sector requires innovation and a deeper understanding of its unique challenges and opportunities. In this regard, we work with businesses to develop effective strategies and ideas that help them succeed in the sector.

Water Supply by the numbers

Contribution to GDP by Sector, Zambia (%)

Source: Fitch

How We Can Help

Red Black Ventures is well-equipped to support companies operating within the Zambian water supply sector. With our extensive data and insights capabilities, we can provide deep market intelligence and help organizations make informed decisions. Additionally, our team of advisors, with their experience from top management consulting firms and investment banks, can offer practical and impactful recommendations to help businesses optimize operations and extract the highest value. Whether it's through market analysis or strategic consulting, RBV is committed to supporting the growth of the Zambian water supply sector by leveraging our resources and expertise to deliver valuable outcomes for our clients.

Get in Touch

By working with us, businesses can access the latest data and insights, receive expert consultation and advice, and benefit from our innovative approach to problem-solving. We are passionate about helping businesses achieve their goals and make a real difference in the industry. Don't settle for anything less than greatness. Get in touch with Red Black Ventures today and see what wonders we can do for your business and strategy.

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